Worship Unplugged Artists

Worship Unplugged Artists
l-r: Lydia Pace, Paulette Washington, Adam Surfus, Felicia Rives, Collier Starks & Michele Meeks

The Vidio Network presents ...

NOTE: The showcase footage is raw, unedited & unmixed intentionally.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

Lydia Pace - Opened the show with "When The Saints Go To Worship"

In 1974 in a little town called Pool Creek, about 20 miles south of Atlanta Georgia, Lydia Pace was born into the loving family of Superintendent Murphy and Evangelist Bettie Pace affectionately known as “Mother & Dad Pace”. Before her parents were given the awesome responsibility to pastor the Rehoboth Deliverance Center Church of God in Christ located in Barnesville, GA., they were pastors at home teaching their ten children to love the Lord and each other with all their hearts and live peaceably with others. Lydia is the youngest of all nine siblings; She has one older brother (Bishop M.J. Pace, who is currently the pastor of “The Powerhouse of Deliverance Cathedral”) and eight sisters (who are nationally know as “The Anointed Pace Sisters”). Though she considers herself blessed to have been born into such a talented family, she is most grateful for being brought up in the beauty of holiness which gave her a sure foundation for building a Godly life.

In 1994 Lydia attended Gordon College, in Barnesville, GA., where she majored in teacher education. While in college she was offered a position at the Old National Christian Academy in College Park, GA. where she worked as a teacher’s assistant for two consecutive years. After her final year at Gordon, she was charged by the Lord to travel with her older sister, Evangelist Duranice Pace, as an amour bearer, reader, and soloist. It is during these four years that she received a higher education that could never be captured between the pages of any book or adequately expressed in the lecture halls of your most prestigious universities. Lydia and her sister traveled all over the United States, Europe and Korea. Through her numerous encounters with spiritual wickedness in high places, she cleaved to the word of God, expressly Luke 10:19 amplified version:
“Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the powers that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.”

In 2004, after serving faithfully at ‘The Rehoboth Deliverance Center Church of God in Christ”, the Lord challenged her to leave her parents and join New Birth Missionary Baptist Church where she currently serves in ministry. If there is anything to be noted about this servant it is her impenetrable love for the Lord and determination to obey him in all He asks her to do.

Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men, Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the Reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ.

NOTE: Lydia is appearing in this Worship Unplugged project courtesy of Tyscot Records.

Colossians 3: 23-24


  1. Lydia's presence is so powerful. She is surely an awesome performer and vocalist. She is certainly a powerhouse!!!

  2. Hey Lydia,

    I gotta say, I was really impressed with the size and range of your voice. You opened and closed the show in grand style. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you.

    You had such a pleasant and wonderful attitude throughout the process, it was definitely a pleasure working with you.

    The sky is truly the limit!

  3. U r THE bomb!!! That rehearsal, the live performance.....awesome! Your level of worship and stage presence is the perfect mix. Thank you for participating.

  4. Lydia,

    What a powerful voice!! The hair on my neck stood up!! I enjoyed your performance.

    Angie Mims

  5. I LOVE the way God uses You...such an inspiration. Your Spirit is just as beautiful as your voice and that is a TRUE Blessing! I LOVE the way you made each selection your OWN. Your style and creativity is awesome! You are a RARE find Missy and a Joy to work with! Keep it up and God Bless

  6. Lydia!

    Ever since I bought the First TAPS DVD, I have been in love with your spirit! I must say that after reading your Bio, I am even more motivated to persue the LORD as He leads inspite of what my flesh says. The passage you mentioned, on the DVD special features, the one with all the "bullets" zachariah the 3rd chapter i believe! OMG! Spoke volumes to me and Dejuaii's words, mixed with Latrice's song contentment, carried me through a very hard time in my life. But still I am stuck on your spirit! I am stuck on the REALness you convey. In all the interviews I have seen you do, during the promotion of "Access Granted", its your words that penatrate my heart the most! The conviction you sing with causes a person to want to worship the GOD your singing about! Please dont stop, dont lose faith or courage! Your obedience has not gone unnoticed! And God is using you to touch folk all over! I know because He has used you to touch little ole me way out here in Baltimore. I pray I get to meet you one day (and all of your sisters), but if not! I pray that you remain in God's will, because it is perfect and will offer the only lasting peace! I hope you end up on this DVD!


  7. i love the singing of your voice keep singing
